电动汽车的蓬勃发展和对快速充电技术不断增长的需求促使电动汽车的系统电压不断升高。这需要性能强大的电缆线束和电源轨,从而需要更大的电缆横截面和/或金属板厚度。横截面越大,焊接难度越大。为此,Herrmann 开发了 Ultrasonic Power Stack 12000+,作为其 VARIO W 超声波焊接机的扩展。
This year has been challenging, but we are very grateful that we could contribute to the fight against COVID-19 with our ultrasonic technology for face masks and breathing ventilators. And it is in this sense of gratitude and hope that we once again decided to support worthy causes this Christmas
This is the famous Building M where CEO Thomas Herrmann studied mechanical engineering at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences from 1984 to 1989. Now the university has appointed him to the university council as alumnus and head of a family-owned yet globally operating technolgy company.
At this year's Spring Challenge of the Karlsbad Municipality in southern Germany, we took third place in the category Bike Commuters Baden Württemberg with a team of 10 colleagues and 224 km per team member. In total, our team covered 2,462 km and saved 362 kg of CO2.
The Lower Saxony-based automotive supplier Zender Group, Osnabrück, specializes in carbon and textile products. The company recognized the need for personal protective equipment at an early stage and started to set up a mask production facility in record time.
Herrmann Ultraschall provides Arburg with a HiQ VARIO ultrasonic welding system free of charge for the Lossburg-based company's large mask project (see press release).
This year's Christmas donation in the context of our charity initiative “Herrmann Cares” is intended for education and goes to two schools in Karlsbad, Germany, to make subject-related project days affordable for all students.